Being environmentally conscious begins with small steps!

Working towards a more environmentally aware and conscious life can be a daunting task. We are often bombarded with the news of global warming, limited resources, and more. It can easily become an overwhelming idea to affect any change on these concerns. Living a daily green life doesn’t take huge initiatives, but rather an overall commitment to making manageable life changes to reduce our carbon footprint. Today we have 5 ideas for taking the first steps towards a greener life.

Reduce Reuse Recycle

Reduce Reuse Recycle

1) Carry your own re-usable bags. This may seem simple, but it reduces waste and demonstrates a conscious decision to re-use and recycle your bags.

2) Plant a garden. Growing your own food can not only save money, but develops a sense of appreciation for our world. It also reduces fuel and resources used to bring your food from a distance.

3) Choose second-hand. Keep a list of items that you are on the lookout for and frequent yard sales, consignment sales, and thrift stores. Recycling items is an easy way to reduce consumerism.

4) Recycle. This seems obvious, but keeping bins for your paper, cans, and bottles, is a vital way to be more environmentally conscious. Often cities have recycling pickup, but if not, you can find your local recycling drop-off sites online.

5) Find a carpool. Sharing a ride to work, or participating in a carpool for school reduces the number of vehicles on the road, decreases the amount of fuel consumption, and creates better community.

There are so many other ways to begin your environmentally conscious living. Whatever you choose, take the first step today. It may not seem big, but it can have lasting effects for your children and grandchildren.

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